Welcome to the Psychology Association of Saskatchewan website!
Latest News
Membership for 2025-2026 will open in March.
Position Statement Bill 137
Psychology Association of Saskatchewan has released a position statement on Bill 137.
Take advantage of your unlimited access to this unparalleled collection of over 350 training videos.
Every day, thousands of therapists rely on Psychotherapy.net videos showing therapy in action for their continued professional development, featuring the leading experts in our field. By watching expert therapists in session, you’ll gain strategies to enhance therapeutic effectiveness by watching expert therapists in session.
Other News
Recommended Fee: $200 per hour
The above fee recommendation derived by the Psychological Association of Saskatchewan represents a general guideline to assist individual psychologists in determining fee rates for services. The fee recommendation is also made available for reference to users of psychological services such as individual clients and insurers. Each practitioner sets their own fees, incorporating this fee guideline into their particular circumstance. It is expected fees will be adjusted based upon the specific credentials of the psychologist and nature of services being offered (e.g., legal and consultation services may garner a higher hourly rate).
This fee recommendation came into effect on January 2022. It is the intention of the PAS to review the fee on an annual basis.
Continuing Education Opportunities
If you have an event you would like added, please send us the details to info@psychsask.ca.
Bespoke Mental Health Canada Friday March 21st from 12-1:30 CT Dr. Amanda Marazan from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, ON will be presenting on an area we could all use now more than ever - the importance of self-care - and specifically the ethical imperative associated with maintaining wellness as we care for others. If you are not available to watch the live-stream event on March 21st, it will be available 'on-demand' to watch when you want on the Bespoke Canada website under the section Watch when you want events. Bespoke Mental Health Canada is an approved sponsor of the Canadian Psychological Association. Eligible registrants will receive 1.5 CE credits.

Earn CEs while you watch Psychotherapy.net training videos—and save!
PAS members get $25 off a 10-Point CE Package—that’s 10 CE points for only $75!
*Redeem CE Points for CE Tests. 1 CE point = 1 CE. Points never expire and can be used anytime.
Learning to Identify Errors in Managing Resistance & Ambivalence in Therapy: A Video Analysis Workshop
(In person & Videoconference format available)
Teaching therapists to ‘code’ therapy process - to explicitly tune in to and pick up on these signals (or process ‘tells’), is a new direction in training to help therapists become ‘process experts’ on a moment-by-moment basis as therapy is unfolding. These process markers, especially of unproductive process (at times of resistance, noncompliance, stuckness, criticism, etc.) are often hidden and difficult to spot without training. As a result, therapists inadvertently make responsiveness errors because they don’t recognize the signs and are not taught how to use them to steer the process back on a productive track.
In this workshop, we will use in depth analysis of video examples and lots of practice with feedback. You will learn how to identify the classic observable signs of unproductive, repetitive cycles that we all fall into that keep therapy from moving forward. You will learn to become adept at quickly identifying / diagnosing the quality of the collaboration on a moment-by-moment basis in real time during therapy; and then learn how to get it back on track when it’s off. These skills cut across therapy approach and diagnosis. Westra and Di Bartolomeo (2024) underscore the importance of being attuned to micro-moments in session as a way to track client progress in real time (i.e., Process Coding) and improve therapist responsiveness. Similarly, the method of Deliberate Practice (i.e., thoughtful and systematic continuous practice with expert feedback) has continued to demonstrate superiority to more passive training models in psychotherapy workshops (e.g., Chow et al., 2024; Westra et al., 2021). This workshop will harness both methods (i.e., Process Coding and Deliberate Practice) to improve your recognition and responsiveness to challenging therapeutic moments.
As part of this workshop, you will complete a pre- and post-workshop test of your skills (follow the YouTube link to complete the first half of the test). This will give you a sample of the kinds of difficult situations we will consider in the workshop and you will learn how to score your responses in the workshop (as well as how to generate effective responses).
Podcast: The Future of Therapy Training (with Dr. Westra & Alyssa Di Bartolomeo) Listen Here
April 14th 2025 – In person – York University
May 16th, 2025 – Videoconference Format
Fee: $300 CDN (10% discount for full-time graduate students and York faculty/staff)
Trainer April 14 2025: Dr. Henny Westra & Alyssa Di Bartolomeo
Trainer May 16 2025: Dr. Henny Westra, Dr. Jordan Harris & Alyssa Di Bartolomeo
Click here for a detailed description and registration form.
If you would like to register, please submit a completed registration form to yupc@yorku.ca
For additional trainings through the York University Psychology Clinic, please visit: https://www.yorku.ca/health/yupc/continuing-education/
Join the Canadian Federation of Clinical Hypnosis – Alberta Society for our annual conference and workshop in beautiful Banff, AB, Canada!
When: May 9-10, 2025 (Virtual option available)
This will be a 2 day experiential workshop titled “Taming Anxiety Toolbox – Hypnosis for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders”, in breathtaking Banff National Park! This year we are excited to have Dr. Carolyn Daitch, Ph.D, Fellow with the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, award-winning author, Director of the Centre for the Treatment of Anxiety, and international trainer!
This is a hands-on and experiential workshop where participants will return home ready to use these new skills with their clients. We will also have a 3 hour virtual follow up with Dr. Daitch 3-5 weeks later as a way to have consultation on the new skills you’ve implemented.
This conference is an opportunity to travel, learn and gather in a beautiful place, with an awesome instructor and a fun group of clinicians, all for the early bird rate of $895 CAD! You’ll walk away with new therapeutic tools to help your clients immediately. Your level 1 clinical hypnosis training is a minimum pre-requisite.
Please see our website https://www.clinicalhypnosis.ca/events for more info and to register!

Foundation Play Therapy Training Days
Live On-line Instructor Lead
Full Days of Individual Training 2025
Starts at 9:00 a.m. ends at 3:30 p.m.
eastern time zone
Theory and Approaches
May 5 - 16, 2025 (Monday to Friday)
Play Therapy History, Models and Process – 2 days
Ethical Practice in a Play Therapy Setting
Assessment & Treatment Planning in a Pay Therapy Context
Non-Directive Play Therapy and Filial Therapy – 2 days
Attachment Theory and Therapy in a Play Therapy Setting
Theraplay as a Play Therapy Model
June 9 – 20, 2025 (Monday to Friday)
Using Sandtray in PlayTherapy – 2 days
Brain Research and Child Development in a Play Therapy Setting
Creating an Inclusive and Culturally Competent Play Therapy Practice
Storytelling in a Play Therapy Session
Understanding and Treating Anxious Children using Play Therapy
Play Therapy with Abused Children – 2 days
Day 1 – Physical and Emotional Abuse
Day 2 – Sexual Abuse
Special Populations
August 4 – 15, 2025 (Monday to Friday)
Treating Disruptive Behaviour Problems in a Play Therapy Setting – 2 days
Puppetry in a Play Therapy Setting
Group Therapy in a Play Therapy Setting
Play Therapy for Children and Families Coping with Loss – 2 days
Case Application with Play Therapy
Art Therapy in a Play Therapy Setting
Vicarious Trauma and Self Care in a Play Therapy Environment
For Details on Dates, Registration, Training Outlines and Learning Outcomes go to:
Any Questions contact: kip@capttraining.com
with Lisa Mortimore, PhD and Stacy Adam Jensen, MEd
Early relational experiences forge a neurophysiological and psychological template of self, often creating insecure attachment which distorts the development of self, and impacts relational functioning throughout the lifespan. Corresponding affect management strategies and attachment patterns, accompanied by dysregulation of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), impact one’s self perceptions, world, and identity. This legacy of trauma deeply impacts the integrity of the self, creating a split between psyche, body, and spirit. Therapists are called to facilitate shifting of affect management strategies, attachment patterning, and support the maturation and development of complex right brain functioning to heal relational trauma, including insecure attachment, PTSD, and chronic shame, rather than merely working with symptom reduction. This SAP training responds to this call and offers an immersive educational experience to deepen embodiment and capacity as therapist.
Throughout the 6, 4-day clinics (24 days of training), we delve into the theoretical and conceptual understandings of: the interconnected realms of embodied and imaginal somatic and interpersonal/relational psychodynamic principles and practices; clinical understandings and application of attachment research, specifically from the Adult Attachment Interview; emergent neuroscience research; trauma studies; embodiment studies and practices, and; earth-based wisdoms. Materials are presented using interactive lecture, discussions, demonstrations, experiential exercises, and coached practice sessions where participants will have opportunities to embody the material into practice in a supported learning environment. Twelve group case consultations to further integrate the material into clinical practice are offered over the two-year training to further deepen practice, understanding, and integration.
May 1 – 4, 2025; September 11 – 14, 2025, January 15 – 18, 2026, Year Two dates TBA
Clinics run 9am – 5pm Pacific Time each day
$1,100 per clinic plus GST (6 clinics $6,930)
One-at-a-Time (OAAT) Counselling Training: Open Enrollment
Stepped Care Solutions is offering open enrollment for in-demand training workshops focused on One-at-a-Time (OAAT) Counselling – often called Single Session Therapy (SST). Sessions run throughout the year, providing flexibility to accommodate diverse schedules. No prerequisites are required.
This training is for anyone who wants to learn and practice an OAAT Counselling approach to support people in the moment. Whether you are new to OAAT Counselling or want a refresher, our training is designed to meet your learning needs and enhance your skill set. Learn more click here.